EBOB Missions Feed the Hungry

“Hunger” is an evocative word. Everyone knows the feeling of real pain from being hungry. Our stomachs stomachs ache, it feels like your insides are coming apart. We get irritated. You can not think, as the pain is unbearable. To make those ache go away, we need to eat something. When our stomachs are full, and we are content.

Statistics say Fifty Million people face hunger every day. EBOB has taken the mission of making a difference to change this by one at a time. As we have supported domestic and abroad institutions and feed the people directly. 

Food Security Status of U.S. Households with Children and Adults

Among U.S. households with children under age 18:

  • 84.3 percent were food secure over the years up thru 2018.
  • In 8.0 percent of households with children, only adults were food insecure.
  • Both children and adults were food insecure in 7.7 percent of households with children (2.9 million households).
  • Although children are usually protected from substantial reductions in food intake even in households with very low food security, nevertheless, in about 0.7 percent of households with children (250,000 households), one or more child also experienced reduced food intake and disrupted eating patterns at some time during the year.

EBOB has taken the approach to feed, nurish and educate as many as their budget can afford. Our Glorious Minster Ann Davis take pride in delivering food products and clothing to those in need. EBOB participate with churches, other non profits and community leaders that are like minded.

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